January 27, 2013

News on the Farm

Of the nine ducks that live in the chicken coop, only eight returned one night. A fox must have gotten it during the day.

The chicken that was injured by a fallen board and could not walk was miraculously able to walk the next day so we did not have to put it down.

Next door, someone has started construction for a riding school. I can see it directly from my window. The construction is very inconsistent so on random days there will be three or four giant pieces of machinery.

Two of the goats were sick, Theresa and Liza. One day, I saw that Theresa could not stand. When I picked her up, she would wobble and walk very crookedly into the wall and then fall on her face again. I came back hours later and she was walking fine. Liza had the same problem so we put both of them in the stable with the ram. The vet came 2 days ago and said Liza had a fractured leg and needed to be put down. Iva was very sad. She called her friend Michal who came that night to kill the goat. I did not watch, but Iva said they were going to behead it. The next morning I found in the hallway a headless skinned goat with its internal organs in a bowl.